07770 362476

Our Services


Our flexible services provides disability support supported housing with 24 hour waking night staff.


We understand that suitable housing with the right support is an essential part of overcoming mental health challenges.


Popular Services

support to prepare meals
support to spend per budget
support with community activities

Why Choose Us

We are contracted by local authorities and have experience of providing good services. We provide non – CQC regulated (no personal care) supported living housing – long-term tenancies.  Referring local authorities inspects and contracts with our services to make sure they are safe, effective, responsive, compassionate, modern, and high quality.

We understand how difficult it is for families. Our experienced service provides factsheets and regular updates to family members.
As a health or adult social care professional, we appreciate all professionals are in a position of duty of care and trust. So when you’re considering a referral, it’s reassuring to know that DPR Housing has sound experience in managing supported living housing for people with high and complex needs. We focus on the individual first, providing tailored support that focuses on life-changing outcomes to encourage and prompt tenants to achieve health and emotional and psychological stability they are looking for.

Our Happy Tenants

Our happy tenants are in daily contact with managers, social workers and healthcare teams. We all support you to choose to live your best life, independently with support.

Reeta Ram Manager

“I never felt so happy since I left home” “I’m alright now going up and up”

Anonymous Tenant